Thursday, May 28, 2009

Which Room??

A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms.

The first is full of raging fires.

The second is full of assassins with loaded guns.

The third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years.

Which room is safest for him?


lieslbmarie said...

DUH!! The lion room....they would be dead!

Chelsee said...

Lion room! If the lions hadn't eaten in three years they would be dead!

Kjersti said...

So, I can see now that the answer is the lion room...but if I had refrained from cheating I would've said the fire room, thinking that if the room was airtight the fires would eventually go out from lack of oxygen. Obviously if this happened in real life, smart people would be chilling with dead lions and I would be hopping around fires waiting for them to go out on their own. Hmm.

gamefreak said...

I think all of the rooms are circumstantial. Kjersti makes a good point about the air tight thing. The fires might be extinguished if he just closed the door and waiting for the fires to go out. The lions could be dead, OR eating and drinking are different and the lions are still alive, just haven't had a proper meal for some time. The room with assassins however, this guy is a murderer, so maybe the assassins are his friends. lol