Wednesday, December 12, 2007

1 down, 4 to go

I can't believe it! I'm done with my first semester of Rad School. It's amazing how fast 4 months goes by when you're trying to work a full-time and a part-time job, go to school full-time and do clinicals (for free) 24 hours a week. You don't really have much time for anything else.

I was pretty scared that my grades wouldn't be that great due to some previous tests that I didn't do so good on, but I was able to pull an A- in all of my classes. Yeah for me! :) After our finals on Tuesday we made breakfast for the class and watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Only 6 of us stayed for the movie but it was still fun. So now I have a couple of weeks before I have to get back in the swing of things. Until then...


Little Momma said...

Congratulations, Gary! I know you have worked hard and you totally deserve your good grades. How have you even kept your busy schedule straight? Good job. We are all very proud of you.

Chelsee said...

Good job Gary!! That's awesome!

Danae said...

Hoo-ray for having a little time to ourselves before your next semester starts... LOVE YOU!!