Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's almost over....

I can't believe that I'm finally thru with this first semester. It seems that I haven't done a whole lot, but then again I don't have a whole bunch of time to sit and think about what I'm doing. I just have to do it and move on to the next thing I have to do. It's been a definite roller coaster of events and issues. I addressed one of the first issues in my last blog: never seeing Danae and Isaac. Now that I have the job at Huntsman I still don't see them as much, but at least I get to see them 2 or 3 times a week instead of just one. Since I've started that job it's been fairly easy. I've had to repeat a portable abd. and chest but out of the 15 or so I've done by myself I would say it's pretty good.

I've had some difficulties with my clinical instructor. At the beginning of the semester when I was made co-president with my buddy Ryan, we were told that anytime we go to a job fair or do a presentation at a High School that that will count for our clinical hours for that day. When I went to clinicals on Tuesday I found that I was 14 hours short and I basically had one day left in the semester to make up the hours. Most of those missing hours are due to her not counting all of the hours that we went to these events for the school. It's not right that Dave, my instructor, tells me that it should count for all of our clinical hours and to have my C.I. tell me that she's not counting them. I would like to say that I told her how it was going to be, but I didn't. So now I have to go in on the make up day, which I technically should have off, and make up those hours as best as I can. So Stupid!!!! The only redeeming part of this story is that Dave is going to talk with her and let her know how it is. :)

I'm really starting to stress out about my finals though. I'll start at the beginning of this rant to have it make sense. When I started my job at Huntsman I was supposed to go through an orientation in order to be on the payroll. Due to a communication problem between my new boss and me I just found out that unless I get to the orientation on the 10th of this month I won't be paid until after Christmas. How lame is that!! The one very bad part about that is that my comprehensive final in my physics class is that day at 11:00. So I had to convince Dave to let me take that final on Tuesday. Do you want the good news to the bad first?? Well here is the good news. I get an extra day to study for it. Bad part: it's 100 questions and I have two more finals following right after it. OUCH! So I'm trying to study as much as I can and not drive Danae crazy with all my "Will you quiz me?"'s.

Once I've finished with all three of my finals for that day we're going to do breakfast and a movie as a class, which will be pretty fun. I guess the school approved us bringing in some waffle irons. So we'll do waffles with all the trimmings then clear out a large area for us to watch either "A Christmas Story"..."You'll shoot your eye out" or "A Christmas Vacation" with the Griswalds. Either way it will be a good relaxation after such a stressful day.


Danae said...

Before each of your tests you have stressed and worried that you won't do well, and so far you're doing GREAT!! I have total faith in you that you will do VERY well on your finals. I'm sorry that your instructors have not been clear with you. It has definitely made it a little tight, but it will all be worth it in the end. I'm SO glad, Gary, that you like what you're doing. That is the most important thing. And anytime you want me to help you study, I'm there!!

Allie said...

I know I hate it when I am stressing about an exam and everyone around me is like, "You're smart, you'll do fine," because I know that they just don't know how hard its going to be. So far, though, I've been fine, just like they said I would be.
I suspect the same will hold true for you, Gary. I know that you have a passion for what you're doing, and that you're good at it, and I have no doubt that you will be fine. You've worked so hard, and all the sacrifices you have made in the last few months in order to focus on your work and school are bound to pay off.
Plus, you rock.

Chelsee said...

Good luck Gary!